Business Resource Center

Sorry, at this time we are NOT able to provide working capital or a merchant cash advance to businesses with less than 3 months in business.

No problem! As long as you meet our requirements, we can still provide you with immediate cash, without affecting your other obligations. We do offer many business loan type products through various programs so we can usually do things other companies cannot. We are exceptionally good at what we do. Try us…

Once the agreement is signed and everything verified, the money is sent directly into your business account and should be received as early as the same day or next business day.

You are free to use the money in any way you feel is best for your business. Many of our customers use it for expansion, improvements, advertising, new equipment or increased (or seasonal) inventory. It is also frequently used for unforeseen emergencies, to buy out a partner, acquire a new location, or pay off and consolidate existing debt, machinery etc. You name it and we have helped a business with a similar need or situation as the one you are currently in. However, we can fund personal loans or startup business loans.

There are various products that we work with and have APR’s that will vary from 3% and up. There are many data points that go into the rates and terms but, all will be presented transparently before any agreements are drawn up.

Every business is different but, typically we are able to fund your business approximately 100% of your annual revenue. Of course, this is an over simplified answer and the best way to determine how much you would receive is to apply.

Many small business owners are unable to obtain traditional bank loans because they have insufficient credit or collateral. As a result, more and more have been turning to Merchant Cash Advances and small business loans for infusions of working capital or other immediate cash needs. It is the driving force behind the US small business economy. The unsecured business lines are created through the cash flow payment stream created by simply operating your business. You have complete control over when the funds are released and have absolutely no obligation to ‘pull’ on the business credit line that is made available to you. This is by far our most popular product because of the flexibility it offers the business owner.

It advances cash to merchants or businesses based on anticipated future sales, offering an alternative to the traditional bank loan. With a Merchant Cash Advance – which is not a loan – businesses receive a lump sum in return for a percentage of their future receipts. We also have Business Bank Loan Programs based strictly on Bank deposits. No credit cards acceptance is required.

Yes. We often offer larger advances than our competitors and will pay off your existing advance if it is in your best interest. We can also fund you without paying off your existing balance! Write us today to find out how much you are qualified for and what options are available to you right now.

Pre-approval usually takes a few hours from the time we receive the full application. Funding typically can happen the same or next business day.

The average size funding is about $75,000, although we range from $5,000 to $25,000,000. There are always new products that are coming to market that are slower to make it on to our website. Please write us for the latest & greatest we offer.

We pride ourselves on no pressure, no sales talk, easy conversations with the goal being able to determine-quickly, if and how we can help your business.

We are not focusing on your credit score as there is much more to your businesses health than that. We look at time in business, location, industry type, cash flow history, etc. We work with each business owner on a ‘one on one’ basis. We have helped thousands of business owners with less than perfect FICO scores. We’ve helped business that just started 1 month ago, those that are still in bankruptcy, those with tax liens, etc.


Fast funding for your business is just the beginning.