Anti-Spam Policy

Edward Jones Investments’s Policy

Edward Jones Investments has a no tolerance spam policy. Edward Jones Investments’s customer support actively monitors emails going to contacts.

What is Spam?

Spam is unsolicited email also known as UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email). By sending email to only to those who have requested to receive it, you are following accepted permission-based email guidelines.

What constitutes a Preexisting business relationship?

The recipient of your email has made a purchase, requested information, responded to a questionnaire or a survey, or had offline contact with you.

What constitutes consent?

The recipient of your email has been clearly and fully notified of the collection and use of his email address and has consented prior to such collection and use. This is often called informed consent.

Isn’t there a law against sending Spam?

The federal anti-spam law went into effect on January 1st, 2004 and preempts all state laws. While this new law will not stop spam, it does make most spam illegal and ultimately less attractive to spammers. The law is specific about requirements to send commercial email and empowers the federal government to enforce the law. The penalties can include a fine and/or imprisonment for up to 5 years.your company needs, it frees up cash that can be used for other portions of your business. Also, many businesses find that equipment leasing reduces business risk, provides a greater amount of financial stability and flexibility that allows for maintaining or ramping up production.

How to protect yourself from Spam: Take the Spam Test

  • Are you importing a purchased list of ANY kind?
  • Are you sending to non-specific addresses such as: [email protected],
  • [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], or other general addresses?
  • Are you sending to distribution lists or mailing lists which send indirectly to a variety of email addresses?
  • Are you mailing to anyone who has not explicitly agreed to join your mailing list?
  • Have you falsified your originating address or transmission path information?
  • Have you used a third party email address or domain name without their permission?
  • Does your email’s subject line contain false or misleading information?
  • Does your email fail to provide a working link to unsubscribe?
  • Are you failing to process any unsubscribe requests that come to you via a reply to your email within 10 days or the request?

If you have answered YES to ANY of the above questions you will likely be labeled a SPAMMER. For more information visit The Coalition Against Unsolicited Email ( or contact Edward Jones processing and provides exceptional knowledge when formulating a specific package that fits your budget requirements and business needs. Contact our seasoned professional equipment financing representatives at EJI to discuss how we can help you attain the equipment that you require to efficiently and successfully operate your company.